Dry Laminating Machine
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, RTO
To reduce the cost of fuel and the consumption of organic waste gas at the same time, by alternating the
flow of gas, using ceramic materials to store the amount of heat produced by burning High damage efficiency
of the dual-weight effect of the company to protect the green environmental protection of the earth, continuous
* Good security
* Low space requirements
* High thermal recovery (up to 95%)
* VOC components are relatively unrestricted
* Higher VOC destruction (& amp; gt;95%)
* Low operating costs can reduce CO2 emissions.
*Excellent cutting structure to ensure air tightness, no leakage, replace quick and easy
地址 | 桃園市大溪區新光東路61巷11號
電話 | 03-3076799
傳真 | 03-3076798
信箱 | cp.packing@msa.hinet.net
地址 | 台中市西區貴和街201號
電話 | 04-23785188
傳真 | 04-23785177
信箱 | kaeonan@seed.net.tw
地址 | 桃園市大溪區仁美里4鄰新光東路61巷11號
電話 | 03-3076799
傳真 | 03-3076798
地址 | 台中市西區貴和街201號
電話 | 04-23785188
傳真 | 04-23785177
各式袋型 l 三面封 l 兩面封 l 背封袋 l 夾邊袋(背封、側封) l 站立袋 l 五面封袋(一般型、平底袋) l L型袋l自動包裝捲膠
Head Office
[address] No. 11, Ln. 61, Xinguang East Rd, Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[phone] 03-3076799
[fax] 03-3076798
[E-mail] cp.packing@msa.hinet.net
Branch Office
[adress] No.201,Guihe St., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C)
[phone] 04-23785188
[fax] 04-23785177
[E-mail] kaeonan@seed.net.tw